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Microwave fiber temperature measurement

2021-09-22 15:20:19

With the development trend of science and technology, microwave has been widely used in the biomedical engineering industry. For example, microwave physiotherapy is a more commonly used treatment method in clinical practice. Microwave physiotherapy is a comprehensive technology, in which the temperature measurement technology under the microwave field is an example. Microwave therapy uses a strong magnetic field under the microwave line, and there are many difficulties in accurately measuring temperature under such standards. Some distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system equipment has a very large impact on the field, some have greater plasticity, and some not only solve the system software technology is complicated, the difficulty factor is large, and the price is high. The temperature measuring camera of dts temperature optical fiber made of metal composite material will cause induced electromotive force under strong magnetic field, which will have strong influence on the microwave field itself. At the same time, because of the thermoelectric effect, its own temperature rises, it will also cause the deviation of temperature measurement, and the ultra-high frequency skin effect further increases the temperature of its own, making it difficult to carry out temperature measurement work.

Independently develop a temperature measurement method according to the fluorescence life, select a solution that can be used in specific places, complete the real-time and accurate measurement of the fluorescence life under the condition of anti-interference, and the price of temperature measurement optical fiber system is not high. Signal analysis to carry out the acquisition of temperature data signals, deal with the basic theory and process problems, come up with a certain regional standard for biomedical engineering fiber optic optical temperature measurement system, improve the accuracy of the measurement, to deal with the unique conditions in the biomedical temperature measurement difficulties.

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